What We Say & Who We Say It To must be in total alignment

In order to achieve consistent and predictable results from prospecting, for each segment of your audience, the variables—What We Say and Who We Say It To—must be in total alignment.

  • If we are saying the right message to the wrong person—it won’t work.

  • If we are saying the wrong message to the right person—it won’t work.

For each target market, to determine if you have good alignment, consider the following: 

How do we know that we have the right message?

"I have a Messaging Hypothesis" (my value proposition, 1-2 sentences, written down)

  • Do I have evidence to support my Messaging hypothesis?

  • Do I have evidence of pain points my prospects are experiencing? (current or past clients are a good place to start)

  • Do I have evidence that the solution I provide addresses those pain points?

How do we know that we are saying it to the right person?

"I have a Targeting Hypothesis" (detailed buyer persona/profile for my target companies and decision-makers)

  • Do I have evidence to support my understanding of what factors may motivate my decision-makers to consider buying?

Building an outbound process is essentially iterative, that is why it is key to consistently reach out to your prospects, generate insights, and inform the updates you make to What We Say & Who We Say It To based on what you are learning.

The Prospecting Flywheel demonstrates the centripetal energy that this repeatable process creates in driving your success with prospecting:


You may not need digital marketing to get sales leads


Ideal Client Story vs. Ideal Client Profile